The Nonprofit Show

Telling Your Nonprofit's Story - But Better!

Robert Wheeler | Season 4 Episode 194

This is a must-watch for anyone in the nonprofit world looking to refine their messaging and build stronger relationships with their supporters. Tune in on this candid discussion on how to stay mission-focused, engage your audience, and share a story that’s truly worth telling.

We dive deep into the importance of storytelling for nonprofits, featuring the wisdom of Robert Wheeler, CEO of Mission Clarity, and co-hosts, Wendy F. Adams, CFRE, cofounder of Cultivate for Good, and Julia Patrick--revolving around one central question: Is your nonprofit’s story worth telling?

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Robert brings his years of experience to the table, focusing on the importance of clarifying a nonprofit’s mission, particularly in times of crisis. In a world where nonprofits are constantly called forward during moments of upheaval—be it natural disasters or economic shifts—the ability to tell a compelling and clear story is essential.

Wendy  adds her expertise, outlining how many organizations struggle to define and stay true to their mission. As she puts it, “If you don’t know what your mission is, there’s no way to stay on it.” This is a common pitfall for many nonprofits that get caught in what she refers to as the "drift," losing sight of the very essence of why they exist.


The trio explore how to strike the delicate balance between authenticity and vulnerability without slipping into victimhood. Robert underscores this balance, saying: “When you portray yourself as vulnerable without being a victim, you breed collaboration. But when you drift into victimhood, you breed competition.” This powerful statement reinforces the need for nonprofits to tell their story in a way that invites others to join their mission, rather than simply seeking sympathy.

You’ll walk away with a desire and new method to sharpen your nonprofit’s story! 

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