The Nonprofit Show
The Nonprofit Show is the daily live video broadcast where our national nonprofit community comes together for problem solving, innovation and reflection. Each day the panel of co-hosts and our guests cover the latest topics with fresh thinking to help you and your nonprofit amplify your social impact and achieve your mission, vision and values. With more than 1,100 episodes our library of learning is there for you and your organization. Learn more . . . https://americannonprofitacademy.com/thenonprofitshow/ Find us on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3A0Dqlw
The Nonprofit Show
Nonprofits, STOP Doing This! Sherry Quam Taylor’s Bold Fundraising Advice
In the dynamic world of nonprofit fundraising, where digital tools and transactional techniques often dazzle, Sherry Quam Taylor sounds a clarion call back to the essentials—deep, transformational relationships. As we roll into 2025, Sherry delivers a message to fundraisers to ‘refocus on the fundamentals of building meaningful donor connections, rather than chasing the latest tech-driven trends’.
Throughout this compelling conversation with host Julia Patrick, Sherry dissects the misconceptions of modern fundraising, emphasizing that while technology and events have their place, they shouldn’t overshadow the power of one-on-one relationships. Too many nonprofit professionals, she warns, have become "glorified admin fundraisers," trapped by the allure of automation and transactional efficiency at the cost of real genuine engagement.
"We want 50 to 75% of your annual revenue coming from relationships," Sherry offers up . . . "Donors give their best gift because of relationships, not because of flashy campaigns."
She challenges NPO leaders to analyze their time and effort allocation, pushing for more data-driven decision-making when it comes to fundraising events. One interesting case study she describes, revealed that less than 20% of a gala’s revenue came from outside donors, prompting the NPO to take a hard look at their ROI.
Continuing, Sherry introduces a powerful paradigm shift—leveraging brand authority on platforms like LinkedIn to attract mid-to-major-level donors. "We can’t hide anymore. Our donors need to see us as the thought leaders we are," she says.
You’ll agree that Sherry’s insights can push the sector toward a more sustainable, relationship-centered fundraising model, so that nonprofits not only survive but thrive in the coming years.
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