The Nonprofit Show
The Nonprofit Show is the daily live video broadcast where our national nonprofit community comes together for problem solving, innovation and reflection. Each day the panel of co-hosts and our guests cover the latest topics with fresh thinking to help you and your nonprofit amplify your social impact and achieve your mission, vision and values. With more than 1,100 episodes our library of learning is there for you and your organization. Learn more . . . https://americannonprofitacademy.com/thenonprofitshow/ Find us on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3A0Dqlw
The Nonprofit Show
Cultivating Donors For The Long Term: It's Not Just The Ask!
The critical art of cultivating donors for the long term—a concept that many nonprofits struggle to implement effectively.
Co-host Julia Patrick sets the stage by highlighting the challenge: “We live check to check. Such a bad mentality… we just get this and then we’re moving.” She speaks to the need to shift from short-term survival mode to a sustainable donor cultivation strategy. Co-host Tony Beall, a leading nonprofit consultant, breaks down the process, distinguishing cultivation from stewardship and offering practical steps to build trust-based relationships with donors.
One of Tony’s keys is the difference between cultivating and stewarding donors. He explains, “Cultivating a donor means getting them engaged, building trust, and preparing them to make an investment in your organization. Stewardship happens after the gift—it’s about gratitude and long-term relationship-building.” This distinction is crucial for nonprofits looking to create sustainable funding models.
The fast (and often witty) conversation also tackles a major issue in the nonprofit sector: fundraiser burnout. Citing data from the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Julia describes how the average tenure of a development professional is only 19 months. Tony offers input on combating this trend: “I’m more interested in building trust than likability. Saying no with an explanation builds trust. And trust is what makes donors stay committed beyond any single fundraiser’s tenure.”
The discussion extends to how fundraisers can navigate gatekeepers, effectively identify high-potential donors, and educate nonprofit leadership on the time and strategy required for successful fundraising.
For any nonprofit leader, fundraiser, or board member looking to increase donor engagement and retention, this episode is packed with essential strategies to build that ‘sustainable donor pipeline’.
#NonprofitFundraising #DonorCultivation #FundraisersFriday
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Our national co-hosts and amazing guests discuss management, money and missions of nonprofits!
12:30pm ET 11:30am CT 10:30am MT 9:30am PT
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